Fractions are used to display the parts of a certain entirety. You will certainly agree that everything has a couple of elements that make it what it is. Sometimes, we need to take a look at a certain item or number from a different perspective. When we do this in the case of numbers, we start looking at fractions.
At the same time, it is clear that some mathematical operations will require us to divide or add a couple of fractions to get a result. That doesn’t mean that the result should be a whole number. However, we can always divide them to make them as simple as it is possible. To do that, the numbers need to be divisible.
Now, we want to take a detailed look at fractions, what they are, and provide you with some examples.
The Definition
As we’ve said, the fraction is a part of the whole number, and it has two main elements. We’re talking about numerator and denominator. The numerator has the goal of pointing out each of these parts, and the denominator will show how many other parts are there.
Adding all of these segments will end up with a complete item or number. As you can presume, they are calculated by using four main arithmetic operations like division, multiplication, subtraction, and addition.
There are two main types, improper and proper. With proper fractions, the numerator is lower than the denominator. Improper ones have a numerator higher than the denominator. We know that improper ones are a nightmare for every student. But, when you understand them, you’ll see it’s easy.
Adding Fractions
The next thing we want to talk about is adding fractions. Basically, this mathematical operation can either be simple or a complete nightmare. For instance, if two of them have the same denominator, then you can just add the numerators, and there you have it, the result is in front of you.
The problem can arise when denominators are not the same. There are a couple of ways this calculation can be resolved. Not all of them will be as easy as you want them to be. In any case, understanding all of these methods will provide you with a better knowledge of these calculations.

Providing a proper example of the fraction is an easy thing to do. Just imagine an item, and separate it into a couple of equal or unequal parts. For instance, when you divide a pizza into six equal parts, each one of these parts will be represented as one-six. But there is a possibility that these can be much more complex, depending on the case you’re looking at.
Fraction is one of the most important elements in mathematics. Anything you see can be broken down into a couple of parts. In this article of ours, you can take a look at some of the most important things to know about it. Plus, you can learn more about adding fractions. On top of that, we’ve provided you with a proper example.